Waiting For You - Lyric Video Download

Organization Size: 0-50 Members
Video: Lyric Video
Sale price$10.00
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Waiting is a song that was written for Advent to try to capture the paradox of this liturgical season, this stuck-in-the-middle-waiting time, when we are meant to sit with the way things really are, in our world and in our lives, and hold them tenderly and gently with the hope for how things are meant to be. It’s a time when we are called to remember that there is this beautiful world we all want to believe in and be living in, but there's a terrible not-yet-ness about that world, and this is the season when we face that truth and re-commit ourselves to what it takes to get to a Christmas kind of world. And in a world where “greed and guns rule everywhere,” we pray we can be a sign of hope and arms of love.  Find the lyrics, sheet music, and an MP3 here.

There are two options for this download. 

1) The Lyric Video, featuring Hannah Rand & Darren Calhoun on lead vocals.

2) The Takeaway Show, a live version of this song, with lead vocals by friend of The Many, Kerry Anne Pritchard. This version does not have lyrics embedded.

Purchase and Licensing Information

We offer a sliding scale for pricing, hoping that this will allow churches to be able to afford what they need. If you are not a part of a church, or this doesn't fit your budget, feel free to choose the price that works best for you.

Your video purchase includes the rights to use the video in your online gathering.

For in person gatherings, please report the songs you use to CCLI.  A list of our CCLI numbers are can be found here. (Remember to click "expand search" when searching for our songs on SongSelect.) 

Video is available to download as a .mp4 file immediately after purchase.

Copyright Information - Waiting For You


Lyrics by Lenora Rand, Music by Hannah & Gary Rand
© 2016 Plural Guild Music

When possible, please report the songs you use to CCLI. A list of our CCLI numbers are can be found here. (Remember to click "expand search" when searching for our songs on SongSelect.) 

If your organization uses OneLicense or something else, feel free to use our resources without reporting. If you need more info about copyright and licensing, visit this PAGE, or email us at oneofmany@gmail.com.

For video purchases: Your video purchase includes the rights to use the video in your online gathering as well as in person. The mp4 video will be available to download right after purchasing. 

Our pricing for videos is different than sheet music. Learn more about our pricing philosophy HERE.

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