Originally recorded and produced for our Lament with Earth gathering in collaboration with The BTS Center. This gathering prayer encourages participants to say together:
There is no life without breath
There is no breath without air.
Full Prayer
God, in the beginning, you breathed us into life.
You breathed into us life-giving air.
But we forget air. We assume air.
We assume the next breath will be there.
And the next. And the next.
There is no life without breath
There is no breath without air
God, so often we open our mouths and just breathe.
Without thought. Without thanks. Without care.
We assume air. Until it isn’t there.
We assume air. Until there is no air to breathe.
Until we cry OUT I can’t breathe.
I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.
God in this place, in this moment
Help us breathe. And remember...
There is no life without breath
There is no breath without air